Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, LNEC
T U Delft
T U Dresden
T U Dresden
Universidade da Coruna
Universidade de Coimbra
Universidade de Trier
A set of 3D physical model tests of the trunk and the head of rubble mound breakwater under extreme sea wave conditions associated with climate change scenarios. Use of innovative measuring techniques for the measurement of different parameters associated with the runup, overtopping and hydraulic stability of the breakwater.
- Study in physical model of the effect of wave obliquity on the head of the breakwater for scenarios of climate change.
- Physical model studies on the effect of extreme wave conditions on the head and the trunk of rubble mound breakwaters;
- Assessment of the impact of climate change on the stability of rubble mound breakwaters;
- Assessment of the impact of climate change on the runup and overtopping of coastal and port structures;
- Extensive set of data associated with climate change scenarios
- Innovative technologies for measuring different parameters associated with the spreading, lifting and stability of the breakwater
- Extending the validity of the application of certain empirical formulas for the stability of the protective mantles of breakwaters (head and trunk)
- Calibration and validation of empirical formulas for the calculation of spreading and galvanizing, and numerical models in scenarios of climate change
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