Type of entity
Government and Ministeries
Teaching, Training, Capacitation and dissemination
Scientific research
Geographical areas
Central and South America


LNEC undertakes and coordinates scientific research and technological development, pursues the public interest providing services to public & private, national & foreign entities, contributing to innovation, dissemination of knowledge and technology transfer; assists the Government and provides technical support to the Public Administration sector. LNEC’s Hydraulics & Environmental Dep  addresses the entire water cycle, including environmental, socio-economic and risk management issues.


Avenida do Brasil, 101
1700-066 LISBOA


Tel: +351 218 443 000
Fax: +351 218 443 011


AGIR - System for assessing the efficiency of water use in agriculture distribution networks
ANCORIM - Atlantic Network for Coastal Risk Management
AREDIS - Adaptations to strengthen the stability of submarine outfalls in muddy soils
Avaler+ Assessment of energy efficiency of urban water systems
B-WaterSmart - Accelerating Water Smartness in Coastal Europe
BINGO: Bringing INnovation to onGOing water management - a better future under climate change
BSafe4Sea - Breakwaters SAFEty control through a FORecast and decision support SystEm Analysis
BlueSafePort - Safety System for Maneovering and Moored Ships in Ports
Co-ReSyF - Coastal waters research synergy framework
Coastal dynamics characterization and impact assessement of Marina Luanda´s construction
Dam Safety Analytical and Advisory Services to the National Water Agency (ANA) – Brazil- (Project WB P128417)
EDIA - Forecast of investment needs in rehabilitation
EOSC-hub: integrated services for the European Open Science Cloud
EmPoWER+ Engineered and reusable nanoporous carbons for advanced water treatment
Evaluation of Forest Fires’ Impacts on Groundwater Resources
Flood inundation study of river Mondego downstream of the confluence with river Ceira
FlowRes ANR Project (2015-2018) Predicting the flow in the floodplains with evolving land occupations during extreme flood events
HYDRALAB+ Adapting to climate change
Hydraulic experiments in physical of a vortex drop shaft of the general drainage plan of Lisbon
Hydraulic model studies of the spillways of Daivões and Alto Tâmega dams
Hydrological and hydraulic study of the fluvial floods in the Municipality of Odivelas
INCD - Portuguese National Distributed Computing Infrastructure
Infrastructure Asset Management - International
Integrated Tool for Numerical Modeling of Oscillating Water Column (OWC) Wave Energy Converters
Integração de dados e modelos para compreensão de processos de rotura de diques
LIFE Hymemb - Tailoring hybrid membrane processes for sustainable drinking water production
LIFE Impetus - Improving current barriers for controlling pharmaceutical compounds in urban wastewater treatment systems
LIFE aWARE - Innovative hybrid MBR-(PAC-NF) systems to promote water reuse
M&M-SHIPS - Manoeuvering & Moored Ships in Ports. Physical and Numerical Modelling
MANPORIVERS – Management policies for priority water pollutants and their effects on foods and human health
MARSOL – Demonstrating Managed Aquifer Recharge as a Solution to Water Scarcity and Drought
MARSoluT - Managed Aquifer Recharge Solutions Training Network
MEDIRES - Diagnostic and Robotized Inspection methodologies of semi-submerged structures
Method to promote adaptation to climate change in hospitality sector
MixFluv – Mixing layers in Fluvial Systems
Numerical modeling, experimental characterization of gaps in embankment dams and dikes
PROTOCOL - Protecting coastal urban fronts from global warming
Resccue - RESilience to cope with Climate Change in Urban arEas
Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon and Leblon, Ipanema and Arpoador Beaches: integrated solution for environmental rehabilitation
Standardization in urban water systems
To-SEAlert - Wave overtopping and flooding in coastal and port areas: Tools for an early warning
iAFLUI - Nacional iniciative for control of undue flows
iEQTA - National iniciative on energy, quality and water treatment
iGPI - National initiative for infrastructure asset management
iPerdas - National initiative for the management of water & energy losses
iWIDGET - Improved Water efficiency through ICT technologies for integrated supply-Demand side manaGEmen