COORDINATOR Administração de Região Hidrográfica do Tejo I.P. (Promotor)
Hidroprojecto, Engenharia e Gestão, S.A.
ICCE - Centro Internacional de Ecohidrologia Costeira
Complying with the established in the Portuguese Water Law and derived legislation, characterise the groundwater bodies, their quantitative and chemical status, to detect increasing significant trends of the pollutant concentrations and propose groundwater bodies’ preservation and recovery measures.
- Contribution for the elaboration of the Tagus river basin management plan concerning groundwater bodies (in observance to the Portuguese Water Law).
Characterisation of the Groundwater bodies (GWB), their recharge and their quantitative and chemical status, identification of the GWB with significant and sustained upward trend in the concentration of any pollutant,
identification of the GWB that need extended deadlines to accomplish the environmental objectives, numerical modelling of the Monforte-Alter do Chão GWB, preparation of input information for WISE, measure program proposal for the protection and enhancement of the GWB state.
Next challenges
Groundwater resources monitoring. Implementing the programmes of measures. Verification of the GWB status and of upward trends of pollutants’ concentrations. Monitoring the implementation of the programmes of measures. Accomplishment of the good status in all GWB.