MEDIRES - Diagnostic and Robotized Inspection methodologies of semi-submerged structures

Thematic Area
Sines, Portugal
Avilés, Spain
Application Areas
Projeto MEDIRES: levantamento de 2003 do quebra-mar oeste do Porto de Sines
MEDIRES project: data flow from the emerged and submerged part of the structure
MEDIRES project: device able to perform high precision surveying of both the above water and under water parts of semi-submergible structures



Methodologies were developed to diagnose the risk of the structure using measures of the evolution of breakwaters obtained by autonomous vehicles with the latest advances in positioning, navigation and control technology. These methodologies, based on measures of the evolution of the breakwaters over the years and based on tests in physical models, allow to help in the decision making of when and how to make interventions in the structure. It was applied to the Ports of Avilés and Sines.


  • Improve the diagnostic capacity of port protection works.
  • Development of methodologies for the diagnosis of rubble mound breakwaters, based on submerged surveys and visual inspection;
  • Development of robotic inspection tools for semi-submerged structures;


  • Desenvolvido um instrumento para a caracterização da geometria de quebra-mares de talude com mapeamento da parte submersa e emersa da estrutura;
  • Melhoria na precisão e redução do custo dos levantamentos batimétricos e topográficos de estruturas semi-submersas;
  • Maior eficiência dos programas de manutenção de quebra-mares de talude, bem como no planeamento de reparações, com a consequente economia de meios;
  • Melhor informação do comportamento "in-situ".

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