INESC-ID, Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Investigação e Desenvolvimento
IST – Instituto Superior Técnico
Although not adequate, extrapolation of results from experimental studies of dam failure to dikes failure is common. Existent numerical models usually do not include both the geotechnical and hydrodynamic components of the failure and are mostly based on empirical models or experimental databases
The Project aims at the creation of a dike failure database and at the development of a methodology to integrate data and model results through assimilation in real time with the aid of citizen science
- Creation of 3D numerical model of new generation and development of methodology to integrate data and model results through assimilation in real time
•Laboratory database - time series of breach geometry, surface velocity and breach discharges •Conceptual model and parametrization of breach discharge •Numerical model based on 3D meshless SPH considering fluid-solid interactions and calibrating with laboratory data •Development of data assimilation strategies to articulate observations and numerical results thus reducing the overall uncertainty of its output •Building laboratory and field validation events for numerical model testing