Governo Civil da Região de Bafatá (Governo Local)
COORDINATOR Camões, I.P., Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua (antigo Instituto Português de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento) (Entidade Co-financiadora)
DGE - Direção Geral de Energia (Governo Central)
DGRH - Direção Geral dos Recursos Hídricos (Governo Central)
TESE - Associação para o Desenvolvimento
União Europeia (Entidade Financiadora)
COORDINATOR Camões, I.P., Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua (antigo Instituto Português de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento) (Entidade Co-financiadora)
DGE - Direção Geral de Energia (Governo Central)
DGRH - Direção Geral dos Recursos Hídricos (Governo Central)
TESE - Associação para o Desenvolvimento
União Europeia (Entidade Financiadora)
Currently ongoing, the Project is essential for local authorities in developing good practices in water and energy management, and improving supply in a sustainable way. It is intended:
- Train and involve the actors responsible for the management of the water and energy sectors;
- Develop tariff studies of water and energy systems, based on the principles of sustainability / equity;
- Support in the development of a regulatory proposal for water and energy tariffs.
- Contribute to an effective decentralization of water and energy services under the edge of DGRH and DGE
To achieve the goal, 3 Expected Results are established:
- R1. Diagnosis and Plan of action elaborated, to identify gaps in the current competencies, capacities and resources of the Regional Delegacies;
- R2. Leadership and capacities of supervision and operations management of the DGRH and DGE reinforced, through more professional and capacitated Regional Delegations;
- R3. Management model of the water and energy services improved and regulation proposal and tariff studies completed.