Supporting Program of Decentralization of the Water and Energy Services in Guinea-Bissau - IAGU ku Luz – Nô kuida e nô usa diritu

Thematic Area
Sustainable Development and International Cooperation
Water and Cities
Water, energy and Food
Regions of Bafatá and Gabú (Guinea-Bissau)
Application Areas
Water Services
Central Administration
Local or Regional Administration



Currently ongoing, the Project is essential for local authorities in developing good practices in water and energy management, and improving supply in a sustainable way. It is intended:

  • Train and involve the actors responsible for the management of the water and energy sectors;
  • Develop tariff studies of water and energy systems, based on the principles of sustainability / equity;
  • Support in the development of a regulatory proposal for water and energy tariffs.


  • Contribute to an effective decentralization of water and energy services under the edge of DGRH and DGE


To achieve the goal, 3 Expected Results are established:

  • R1. Diagnosis and Plan of action elaborated, to identify gaps in the current competencies, capacities and resources of the Regional Delegacies;
  • R2. Leadership and capacities of supervision and operations management of the DGRH and DGE reinforced, through more professional and capacitated Regional Delegations;
  • R3. Management model of the water and energy services improved and regulation proposal and tariff studies completed.