The studies carried out by LNEC had the objective of serving as a basis for the development of the Project for the Execution of thePort of Leixões outer breakwater and included studies in physical model (2D and 3D) and numerical model for optimization of geometry of the new section of this breakwater; studies in numerical model to evaluate the impacts of the extension of this outer breakwater in the agitation at the Matosinhos beach and in the sedimentary dynamics in the vicinity of the port.
- Support the evaluation of the impact of its construction in relation to sedimentary dynamics in the vicinity of the port.
- Support to the evaluation of the impact of its construction regarding the conditions of agitation of the beach of Matosinhos;
- Confirmation of the assumptions of the project in terms of stability of the breakwater and sea wave conditions in the area sheltered by it;
Numerical models: Characterization of the sea agitation offshore and in the port area of Leixões, Wave propagation (short and long waves) inside the port, Identification of the impacts of the extension of the breakwater in the beach of Matosinhos (maritime agitation) and sedimentary dynamics in the vicinity of the port.
Physical model: Characterization of the agitation inside the port; Analysis of the stability and overtopping of the different sections of the breakwater extension.
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