Cooperation between AdP and ONEE (Office National de l'Electricité et de l'Eau Potable - Marocco), signed in October 2007, has provided an exchange of experience between the two entities, with AdP providing technical assistance in the area water supply and sanitation.
The most recent AdP intervention took place in 2016 and 2017, in the following areas: "Resolution of the problem of discharge at sea, storm water from the city of Essaouira and saline intrusion" and "Management of sewage sludge".
- Promote exchange of experiences. Share knowledge. Technical visits. Promote specialized training. Promoting the application of best practice
This convention has promoted the exchange of experience between ONEE and AdP technicians, in particular with the participation of an expert on the strategy for the treatment and final destination of sludge, at a seminar on ONEE sludge in Rabat, or in the Third Mediterranean Water Forum in Egypt and the visit of ONEE technicians to sludge treatment facilities in Portugal. A Portuguese expert also visited the drainage system of the city of Essaouira, and suggested changes to existing projects.
Next challenges
Extension of the current partnership for an "International Twinning Partnership Program", with a broader coverage of intervention areas and duration.