COORDINATOR Instituto do Ambiente e Desenvolvimento (IDAD)
Universidade de Évora (UE)
COORDINATOR Instituto do Ambiente e Desenvolvimento (IDAD)
Universidade de Évora (UE)
Several studies indicate that Portugal is among the countries most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change in society, economy and ecosystems. Hence, the ENAAC 2020 was developed, assuming as vision the contribution for a country adaptaed to the effects of climate change, through a continuous implementation of solutions based on technical-scientific knowledge and good practices.
- Establish a basis for the development of an intermunicipal strategy for adaptation to climate change in the municipalities of Baixo Alentejo
- Involve and raise awareness of all local, regional and national stakeholders, as well as general public, ensuring the mobilisation around PIAAC BA
- Train regional stakeholders and, in particular, CIMBAL & municipalities, and ensure the necessary technical assistance for implementation of PIAAC
- Define the governance structure adapted to the regional landscape, which can guarantee the success of PIAAC BA in the post-project period
- Define the monitoring and updating actions of PIAAC BA in the post-project period
- Integrate the options of adaptation in the current activities of the regional stakeholders and their policies, tools and sectorial plans
- Implement and detail concrete actions and measures for the adaptation to the most relevant impacts of climate change
- Identify and select the options for adaptation to be implemented within the scope of the PIAAC BA
- Deepen the existent knowledge on the vulnerabilities of Baixo Alentejo in terms of climate change