In 2019, following the devastating cyclone Idaí, the Águas de Portugal Group activated its Volunteering Program to respond to emergency situations specializing in water supply and wastewater, Águas sem Fronteiras, for a Humanitarian Mission in Mozambique to support local authorities in restoring the supply of drinking water to populations in affected areas.
- Restoring drinking water supply to the populations of the areas affected by Cyclone Idai.
- The intervention by the teams of experts from Grupo Águas de Portugal aimed to survey the conditions in which the water supply system of the city of Beira and the area of Tete and Moatize was, in order to identify priority interventions for its restoration, in partnership with FIPAG.
- A water treatment unit (compact WTP) was also installed on the outskirts of Beira to produce drinking water for 300 families without access to treated water.