The area of losses was important since the definition and consolidation of water supply systems and subsystems, the definition of measurement systems and the analysis of flow rates and the distribution of customers by areas of analysis.
To better implement water loss control policies, an Active Loss Control Plan (PCAP) was created by Águas do Norte, S.A., a document that will serve as a guideline for the implementation and management of water loss control.
- Decrease in losses
- Improve the structuring of information
With the correlation and acoustic detection equipment in the daily inspections of the water distribution network, it was possible to detect and repair invisible leaks/breaks in which the lost water did not surface.
With the use of the "Biwater" flow control tool, we have been able to evaluate the daily volumes added to the measurement and control zones as well as the minimum night flows, which are indispensable information for the control and evolution of the actual losses.