The CHIMERA project assesses and evaluates borrow areas in the continental shelf for beach nourishment in four coastal sectors, namely Espinho-Torreira, Barra-Mira, Figueira da Foz-Leirosa and Costa da Caparica. To achive the main goal of the projet, several recognition works will be carried out, namely hydrographic surveys, seismic reflection surveys, sediment sampling and magnetometry.
- Caractherization of borrow areas in the continental shelf for beach nourishment in coastal areas under erosion
Description of the morphology of the borrow area in terms of size, relief, configuration and limits; Definition of boundaries of the sedimentary deposits; thickness; sedimentary structures and sedimentary characteristics of each stratum; Volume - determination of the available volume for the beach nourishment in the four coastal sectors.
Next challenges
Carry out the interventions of beach nourishment in Espinho - Torreira, Barra - Mira, Figueira da Foz - Leirosa and Costa da Caparica coastal sectors, based on the results obtained in the CHIMERA Project.