The first APP Communication of water meter reading in Portugal, which allows customers to send water meter readings from their smartphone or tablet, without further need of customer validation. With integration with the customer system, it allows to notify users of the specific days to carry out the meter reading, with "Help" links for clarifications and doubts, and "Contacts" with a direct connection to the SMAS contacts. It is available for free download for Android and iOS.
- Diversify communication channels and services
- Meeting stakeholder expectations
"APP Communication of water meter reading" is a winning design because it corresponds to the assumptions and functional requirements inherent to this typology of application solution, it combines the unquestionable advantages of speed, accessibility, availability, simplicity, transparency and flexibility, that make this medium gaining adhesion cooperation. For the SMAS of Almada, as for the users has corresponded to the improvement of the Service experience.
The water meter reading number through APP was exponential. At this time, SMAS receives about 25,000 readings/year by this channel.
APP is part of the governmental platform "Common Knowledge Network", which aims to highlight good practices in Central Administration.
Next challenges
The APP is in permanent analysis to evaluate and optimize its use.