Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços de Águas e Resíduos / The Water and Waste Services Regulation Authority (ERSAR)

Type of entity
Government and Ministeries
Teaching, Training, Capacitation and dissemination
Project management and supervision
Scientific research
Geographical areas
ERSAR website


The Portuguese Water and Waste Services Regulation Authority (ERSAR) must assure two distinct, although complementary duties: - Regulation authority for the drinking water supply services, urban wastewater management services and municipal waste management services; - National authority for drinking water quality. ERSAR aims to:- Ensure the protection of the water and waste sector users, always trying to avoid abuses resultant from the exclusive rights, focusing on the control of the quality of the services provided and supervising the tariffs charged to the end-users - Ensure equal and clear conditions in the access to the water and waste services and the operation of these services - Reinforce the right to general information about the sector and about each operator - Regulates all the utilities, regardless the governance model (State-owned, municipal-owned and private utilities) - Guaranties articulation with other relevant authorities without overlapping: Water resources; Public health; Competition - Guaranties transparency and stakeholders participation (ex. consumers and utilities) - Regulates with a holistic approach, based on a global and integrated regulatory model - Ensure the compliance with the respective legislation so that water quality is the most appropriate for consumers, focusing on the protetion of human health. ERSAR annually approves the water quality control programs that each managing entity is obliged to prepare, monitors the reliability of the laboratory results in coordination with the national accreditation body and supervises the entities that manage the public supply systems to verify if all the requirements of the legislation are fulfilled.    



Rua Tomás Da Fonseca, Centro Empresarial Torres De Lisboa, Torre G 8.º, 1600-209 Lisboa