AREANATejo is a private non-profit organization, created in July 2002 under the SAVE Programme of the European Commission.
The geographical coverage of AREANATejo comprises 15 municipalities belonging to the District of Portalegre (Alter do Chão, Arronches, Avis, Campo Maior, Castelo de Vide, Crato, Elvas, Fronteira, Gavião, Marvão, Monforte, Nisa, Portalegre, Ponte de Sor and Sousel) with a total of about 118,000 inhabitants and an average surface of about 6,000 km2.
AREANATejo has the mission to promote and develop activities that contribute to a major energy efficiency and a major use of endogenous resources, to develop projects and methods for a rational use of energy and resources and to disseminate best available techniques and procedures aiming to promote a local sustainable development.
Its main areas of expertise are: energy, environment and mobility.
AREANATejo’s stakeholders are 15 Municipalities (included in North Alentejo), CIMAA – Municipalities’ Association, EDP – Portuguese Electricity Utility and NERPOR – Regional Business Association, to whom projects and other activities in a.m. expertise areas are developed.
The AREANATejo aims at contributing to energy efficiency and to a better use of indigenous energy resources, developing projects and methods and disseminating the best techniques and procedures to ensure a rational use of energy and resources and environment protection.
In pursuing these objectives, AREANATejo has as strategic lines of action:
Support the business community, its members, economic operators and citizens in the management of energy and resources;
Characterize the energy and environmental performance of North Alentejo region and assess the suitability for the development of indigenous energy resources;
Promote the introduction of energy efficient technologies and renewable energy technologies in Northern Alentejo;
Promote AREANATejo as a partner in promoting energy efficiency and environmental sectors with higher energy consumption, namely: industry, transport and buildings;
Inform and raise awareness for the rational use of energy and resources as well as the importance of environmental protection;
Monitor energy and environmental practices in North Alentejo.